When a user creates a groupchat using, let’s say “AllUsers”, this groupchat will consume a lot of resources when AllUsers contain many many users.

Beside asking the users to remove this chat, there is no way to remove this groupchat using a (Admin)gui.

We raised a call to HCL and they solved it by removing it from the backend. Smart one. They even created a KB item about it, using our information. Smart one.

You can terminate the group chat from the MongoDB

Here are the steps:

1. Down the Sametime server

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down

2. Go to the MongoDB shell and run the commands

-> use chatlogging
-> db.CONVOMAP.find({name: "Chat with AllUsers"}).pretty()

** Use the exact group chat name

The above command output will have a “with” attribute.
Example -> db.CONVOMAP.find({with: 1711764219411″}).pretty()

-> db.CONVOMAP.deleteMany({with: "1711764219411"})

-> db.MEMBERSHIP.deleteMany({placeId: "1711764219411"})

3. Start the Sametime server.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml  up -d 

Visits: 24

By angioni

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