One of our customers, who enabled MailJournalling on their mailservers, also had to enable it on the mailrelays. The reason is that the mailrelay servers also accepts mail from other remote servers ( like backup and CRM applications ) and needed to be captured. The other reason is that we encountered a strange behavior in IQ.Suite and needed to analyze it on the outbound server and not on the mailserver itself.

After setting up mailjournalling on the mailrelay servers, using a seperated set of a mailjournal database and configuration, all started to work. We noticed mail appearing in the mailjournal on the mailrelays. That was it… done.

NOT !!!!

After checking the mailflow we noticed that NO outbound mail was appearing in the mailjournal on the mailrelay servers. At first i thought it was a bug when the mailflow is switching to SMTP: it was skipped. But when we deliver mail directly to the mailrelay, we saw it appear in matter of a second. Second thought was that maybe IQ.Suite altered the mail too much, so that the mailjournal couldn’t handle it. When we disabled IQ.Suite, we saw that it didn’t changed a thing. Still no mailjournal for outbound mail on the mailrelay servers.

After raising a case @HCL we learned that what we experience, was normal behavior.
By default, to avoid duplication of mailjournal messages, HCLDomino will only journal a message once, on the first server where a journaling rule exists. The way the rule selection formula works: if there is already a $JournalResponsibility item on a message coming into a 2nd server, the journaling rule on that server will not change the value of that item. This means the message won’t be re-selected for journaling on that server, since an upstream server was presumed to have journaled it.

But for every problem there is a notes.ini solution.
JournalDecision=1. This parameter must be included in the notes.ini file on each server that makes its own decision regarding message journaling.

Now the mailservers and mailrelayservers journal the same message twice but in different MailJournalDatabases.

Case closed.

Visits: 749

By angioni

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