Angioni's Blog Show Person’s GUID from Active Directory in TDI log Lotus 123 for DOS/Windows Personal Information Enable TLS 1.2 for agents running in JVM inside HCL Domino Route HCL Traveler mail to your internal scanner How to remove a Groupchat in Sametime V12? CRITICAL ALERT: Mail not routing after Domino restarts beginning December 13, 2024 Sametime 12.0.2 statistics & settings are gone after restart server After upgrading Sametime to V12.0.2 you cannot send messages to offline users HCL Domino 12.0.2: removed user-maildatabase in a cluster symmetry configuration is repaired after removed from 1 server. HCL Ambassador 2024 announcement Manage “history” output in Linux HCL Nomad for Domino behind an Apache Reverse Proxy Delegated users with only Calendar acces still can see your Mailfolders in HCL Notes (solved) Keep HCL Domino JVM settings during upgrade? Before Lotus Notes 1.0: it’s project, the beginning HCL Domino rename via ADMINP does not check the new username in IDVault’s inactive users view. My thoughts on how Domino registers users Intention. Dutch hosting provider. Links of interests Why users are not removed from groups when deleted from HCL Domino Engage 2023 Domino Server: Let adminp handle renames in maildatabases, but don’t delete users in name fields. Show heapsizes in your HCL Notes Client How to check for Windows updates on remote servers using powershell and run it? Sametime V12 MongoDB LDAP issue when using webusers Chrome setting lets HCL Notes crash Installing Sametime V11.6 or Traveler V11.x on Linux with a small-sized /tmp volume. Verse iOS 12.0.3 breaks connection to Traveler when configured wrong Enable (forgotten) logging for Sametime Proxy 11.6 HCL Domino’s IDVault: Enabling automatic restart of ID file synchronization Admitted to the “HCL Ambassadors Class of 2022” Log4Shell Security Advisory The hidden background noise that can catch criminals Solution for broken TrendMicro ScanMail for Domino 12.0.2 on Windows HCL Ambassador for 2023 Setup DKIM for HCL Domino 12.0.2 Notes V11 embedded Sametime SSO broken by Domino’s adminp task? Picking up my C++ knowledge again after 30 years Sametime V12.0.1/12.0.2 cannot connect to LDAPS:636 using TLSv1.2 HCL Software and the number 13 How to read the QR Code on your PC without your phone? Use docker-compose.override.yml for customizing your Sametime V12 Docker configuration Setting up HCL Domino Time-based one-time password (TOTP) authentication Windows Steps Recorder Extra “Sametime V12 MongoDB roles” in a highly secured Mongo environment Manually prune HCL Connection databases on DB2 How to recover from an interrupted “yum update” Sametime 11.6 IF2 installation results in a non-working proxy when you don’t have a meeting server. Update: HCL’s response to “IBM Security X-Force recently discovered a new malware family we have called ‘Domino’ ”